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An opportunity for instrumentalists to participate in the Guruvayur Manjulalthara Mela

Guruvayur: On the occasion of Chingamaholtsavam, which takes over the entire Gurupavanapuri and is held with social-spiritual-spirituality-joyfulness, on August 17, there is a famous festival organized by 100 mela artists in the Manjulal area of Guruvayur Instrumental artists are given an opportunity to participate in the Manjullalthara Mela.


The Manjulalthara Mela, which will commence after 3 pm on that day, is open to all Hindu instrumentalists, especially beginners, novices, and talent alike.


In order to prepare Vadya Saparya in Guruvayur, artists who want to participate in the fair should contact 94 47 20 83 43* before August 5, 2024, Chairman of the Instrumental Section of the Organizing Committee Guruvayur Jayaprakash and Convener Balan Varanatt informed.